PTSD & Stress Relief for Veterans

How being more mindful & aware can lead to a happier more fulfilling life.
"Sometimes the old remedies are the best."
Imagine having a playbook and strategies to stop feeling anxious, stressed, or worried. Can you cantrol all of all the anxiety, memories, depression and just feeling uneasy or uncertain? Do you hate having to prove yourself over and over again or hiding your feelings just to keep up appearances?Get ready for a change.Enjoy an easy to use set of tools and practices that will put you at ease in just about any situation. Would you like to know a free way to feel more relaxed and comfortable without drugs, or causing yourself harm in a way?Read on to find out how, or
Introducing: A secular form of Shamanism – the Arts. . .
If you admire those people who seem totally connected, and can in just a few words, calm themselves and retain charisma, then you understand this can be done. Through a grant from the Maryland State Arts Council I can show you how its done for free.We've all been in situations where nothing was going right. Its hard to know how to reply, or recover. Perhaps you did something that you regret or had no choice.Are difficult decisions or transitions still haunting you?Do strong or hard feelings continue for days or years later?I’ve got some dynamite news for you – those days are over.

Learning how to sing?
Sure, there's a ton of information out there on how to meditate, sing, drum, dance, recite or chant. You may already know how to do those things. You can also pop some drugs, or grab a six pack and try and fool everybody into thinking your okay; but in this day and age, you need something that gives you long term meaning and confidence, a time tested solution you can rely on that's also inexpensive.
All the latest research into neuroscience, language and brain hacking, prove that this stuff works. You can see it with your own eyes, feel it in your own gut.
More than that, you should have all the tools you need to feel comfortable and satisfied.
How would you like to be able to affect your subconscious mind, at a deep level? This class will put you in control.
Everything you need to turn your mind into a source of inspiration is in this NEW Class Mindfulness 101 for Veterans being offered in Maryland through funding from the Maryland State Arts Council.
Let's Look Inside
1. You know the semiconscious state just before you are asleep but are still aware of what is going on around you?
2. You may have developed that in the military - how to stay aware even when half asleep. If not, we can easily demonstrate it and get you up to speed, we just have to remind you when its happening.
3. By learning a totally different artform while in a similar state you enhance your powers of concentration and focus, becoming more aware. That's called "mindfulness."
4. If you give yourself positive suggestions and visualizations while semi conscious, then things begin to manifest for you because you are programming the unconscious. In other words, if you think good thoughts, then good things will happen.Not only have priests, artists and meditators been doing this for thousands of years, but the best warriors have too. Further, mindful meditation like this has been proven to relieve symptoms of PTSD.“Mindfulness gives me a chance to center myself and just think about one thing at a time and allow my brain to take a moment to relax,” said Peter Lisowski, a Marine Corps Veteran and mindfulness program graduate.So, are you ready to go from Warrior to Shaman or Seer/Visionary? How about from Shaman to Elder? Each step builds on the last. Your community, your family and your country need to understand this feeling of calm. You are just the right person to teach it.

This project is supported in part by the Maryland State Arts Council (